9. jun. 2010

Ananas-Æble-Mynte Juice

This juice will definately boost your energy level!

Ingredients (1 glass)
200 g Pineapple
1 Apple
1 small handfull fresh mint

Add all the ingredients to a juicer. Serve cold.

Mint helps eliminating toxins, reduces the growth of fungus in the body, and is said to be beneficial against astma and other allergic conditions. Moreover is mint able to relieve headaches and crushed mint leaves help in whitening teeth. Apple juice has in mice shown to enhance the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which then provides a potential source to prevent a decline in cognitive performance accompanied by aging plus genetic and dietary deficiencies. Pineapple is a good source of both vitamin C and B1 plus manganese. Furthermore, it is claimed that pineapple is able to relieve pain and beneficial for some intestinal disorders.

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